Develop custom AI applications for yourbusiness processes
Interactive document collaboration with built in Kloud AI integration to summarize document content, answer detailed questions, and create presentations
LiveDoc powered, high-performance online meetings, with built in Kloud AI integration to summarize meeting discussions, decisions, and action items.
Al-Powered Digital Business Cards for LeadGeneration, Sales Communication, and Customer Support
Kloud Al will make your entire development processmore efficient, from requirements to QA testing.
Kloud Al will enhance the entire Sales Cycle fromqualification to sales communication and closing.
Kloud Al provides interactive customer support Al Expert Bots that understand your products as well as your best support engineers.
Assign an AI Expert Bot to your meeting and let the Bot topresent for you and to summarize meeting andwrite solution document based on meeting content.
Develop, Configure, and Adapt advanced AI Expert Bots to work with your teams
The Kloud AI Expert Bot can understand, summarize, and present documents, requirements, and project tasks.
The Kloud AI Expert Bot can attend team meetings, read documents, understand teamwork tasks and requirements.
The Kloud AI Expert Bot can answer detailed questions about your products, documents, and requirements.